Our Process


ideate // translate // create


The Creation Process


    Step One is always to ideate. To brainstorm and focus only on originality.
    We do not believe in looking outwards for inspiration, but first to tap into our own creative reservoir for it.
    This involves a lot of mind map work, making connections between all potential key elements and ideas. This includes exploring the brand personality in depth, and exploring all factors that could influence and impact it.
    We love to give the work a personal touch, and incorporate a personal anecdote in the final deliverable.


    All ideas, tangible and intangible, abstract and literal, are put together into a funnel. Once in this funnel, it undergoes a rigorous filtration process, where we break it all down to the fundamental ideas and core concepts - picking and choosing the best ones that will not only stand the test of time but reflect the soul of the brand. These character traits and key personas are then translated into a visual format, be it a website,
    a brand kit or a monogram.


    Perhaps the most exhilarating of all!
    This is where it all comes together as a seamless visual narrative.
    Whether it is a single image or an expansive project - everything has a story.

We strongly believe in collaboration,
not competition.